Coordinates 07.20.02
Welcome to Coordinates 07.20.02
Imagine... what if you could take the more relaxing feel of summer to work in the fall?
Building on our last newsletter about finding focus during the summer months, the next couple of Coordinates will be about making the most of the precious time you have every day.
We offer helpful tips on how to achieve better work/life integration and take the crazy out of busy.
We suggest moving away from the idea of “balance,” because it sets the wrong expectation.
For one, balance isn’t static. You don’t achieve it and stop. You need to revisit and readjust over time as the context and situation change.
Plus, there may be times when it’s not appropriate to have balance. You may be at a critical juncture in a personal or professional project where you want to put most of your attention and efforts there, taking yourself out of balance.
Below we offer 10 tips to use your time and energy wisely. And a few other great reference tools to read, watch, and listen.
We’ll share additional insights and resources in our next newsletter.
Summer is a great time to explore how you can be more efficient and effective with your time. Get prepared now for a different type of re-entry (Back to Work) in the coming months.
Happy summering in place. May you find more focus and ease.
Be well,
Leadership Corner
10 Productivity & Energy Management Tips to Avoid Overwhelm (& Still Make an Impact)
It’s way too easy to get stretched given our work and societal cultures. In the professional world, busyness is synonymous with success. Yet, many proponents are starting to push back on this thinking. As Ariana Huffington said in a 2013 commencement speech at Smith College, “The way we’ve defined success is no longer sustainable.” Our societal definitions of success don’t fit anymore, nor does the dogged pursuit to achieve it.
Perhaps those who use their time and energy wisely are the true winners ones, the ones who end up being most successful in work and life. The truth likely lives somewhere in between. A lot of very successful people work hard. But does it always have to be that way? Likely not. And as Huffington said, it isn’t sustainable anyway. We run the risk of exhaustion and worse burn out.
So, it’s worth investing some of your precious hours to identify the practices that will work best for you to be most productive and manage your energy to have the most impact with your time. We offer 10 tips to do just that.
Read more to learn 10 Productivity & Energy Management Tips to Avoid Overwhelm (& Still Make an Impact) >
On Watch, Take Notice
To Read
“Do – Pause” by Robert Poynton
Learn why you should impose your own pauses in life.
Watch an interview
To Watch
Learn wise tips from ER doctor, Darria Long, on how to get yourself into “ready mode” to avoid a crazy busy life.
To Listen
Hear tips from Charlie Gilkey, author of “Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done,” on how to start finishing projects that matter.
“It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?”
— Henry David Thoreau
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The Agency Oneto is a disciplined yet agile business and brand strategy agency whose mission is to partner with leaders to make a positive impact on their business and brands and for their consumers and teams, unlocking potential.
We help you build and grow your brand or help you make a positive change to your business. We offer services in Business Strategy, Brand Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, Brand & Product Positioning, Brand Architecture, Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Innovation Strategy & Process, Consumer Insights, and Trend Analysis.
We also lead workshops and facilitate strategy and business planning sessions, provide advisory services, and offer Executive Coaching.