Coordinates Newsletters

Coordinates 12.20.01

Welcome to Coordinates 12.20.01 

Hello all,

Well, we made it. Did we ever think the end of 2020 would come?

At its close, what do you want to take away from the year? As a leader, what do you want your team and organization to take away? What resilience has your organization built over the last nine months? What should be acknowledged?

If you want to use these last weeks with your team to gather insight and learning from the year and to build on plans you’ve built for 2021, we offer an approach to run your own Quick Insight & Action Sprint, one of our offerings. In the article below, we frame it up to run yourself and provide a link to a planning template, as well. We also suggest commemorating the year for your team creating a special moment, a la advice from the Heath brothers. It’s been an unusual year and one that is worthy of note, contemplation, and acknowledgement. Think about meaningfully closing the year.

For a personal reflection, I offer one of my past articles, “Set yourself up for a successful new year: Five 8-minute Mini-Strategy Retreats,” as well as feature our Monthly Progress Practice below.

I also want to thank you for supporting The Agency Oneto. You along with my clients and partners help us to continue to be purpose-centered and participate in Pledge 1%. This year we gave both 1% of our earnings in volunteer time and donations supporting non-profits in the San Francisco Bay Area, volunteering with our local food bank, and donating to Feeding America.

May the holidays bring you and your family some solace and comfort during a trying year that I hope had some silver linings for all of you. And, I wish you the very best in the new year.

Kathy Oneto

Strategy Corner

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As you close the year, carve out time for yourself and your team to run a Quick Insight & Action Sprint. The focus—what did you learn from 2020 and what learning and actions do you want to take into 2021. Get the step-by-step guide and a FREE planning document that frames it all out for you for easy execution.

Read more >

The Monthly Progress Practice December

Follow Your Curiosity. What are you interested in and curious about right now? Make note this month and take those curiosities into the new year.

2020 is a year that warrants reflection. Consider:

  • Carve out 5-15 minutes at the end of each day or every weekend this month to contemplate and reflect. Note what’s coming up for you and what you’re curious about based on the day’s or week’s activities.

  • As you look forward to 2021, what are you curious to explore? What are you curious to learn?

  • What ways of being or actions might you want to bring into the new year based on your curiosities?

On Watch, Take Notice

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Often literature on Corporate culture is one note, and companies are advised to follow the traditional playbook—have a mission and purpose, have values, and so on. Yet, some companies of late are being featured for the unique cultures they build that support their business models and that become critical drivers of success. Their cultures become entwined with their corporate strategies and how they win.

Learn what Netflix, Basecamp, and Patagonia do right in shaping powerful cultures.

Read more >

“You don’t need a new plan for next year. You need a commitment.”
— Seth Godin

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
— Peter Drucker


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The Agency Oneto is a disciplined yet agile business and brand strategy agency whose mission is to partner with purpose-led leaders to make a positive impact on their business and brands and for their consumers and teams, unlocking potential. 

We help you build and grow your brand or help you make a positive change to your business. We offer services in Business Strategy, Brand Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, Brand & Product Positioning, Brand Architecture, Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Innovation Strategy & Process, Consumer Insights, and Trend Analysis.

We also lead workshops and facilitate strategy and business planning sessions, provide advisory services, and offer Executive Coaching.