Coordinates Newsletters

Coordinates 01.21.01

Happy new year, all! 

At the start of 2021, it’s time for our annual trend forecast. 
How are we seeing 2021? It’s The Year of The Great Rebuild & New Human Learning.

Find our summary here and the snapshots of what we see developing on the horizon: 

Let us know what you see on the horizon for 2021. We’d love to better understand what you are facing and what topics might be helpful to cover in the coming months.

I wish you a fruitful start to the new year!


The Monthly Progress Practice January

Introducing the 2021 Monthly Progress Practice calendar, which offers a monthly practice of small actions or micro-habits to inspire positive change this year. Practice makes progress!

Our guidance for January:
Make a commitment. Where do you want to put consistent action to make progress this year? What are you determined to do? Who are you determined to be?

“What lies before us is the opportunity to build a more just and equitable way of life for all humankind.”
— Al Gore


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The Agency Oneto is a disciplined yet agile business and brand strategy agency whose mission is to partner with purpose-led leaders to make a positive impact on their business and brands and for their consumers and teams, unlocking potential. 

We help you build and grow your brand or help you make a positive change to your business. We offer services in Business Strategy, Brand Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, Brand & Product Positioning, Brand Architecture, Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Innovation Strategy & Process, Consumer Insights, and Trend Analysis.

We also lead workshops and facilitate strategy and business planning sessions, provide advisory services, and offer Executive Coaching.