Coordinates 06.20.01
Welcome to Coordinates 06.20.01
Hello everyone,
First, let me say with so many others at this time, that I’m in a listening and learning mode right now. My newsletter is not about racial justice, but I am someone who believes deeply in equity and fairness and challenge myself to always operate from a place of integrity. So, I won’t go deep into current events, but want to acknowledge that I, along with so many of us, am touched by what is happening in our country right now and keeping my eyes wide open to witness it and keeping my ears open to listen and learn.
It just so happens that in this newsletter, I planned to focus on Purpose, as it relates to businesses and brands. I think it is still fitting in this moment.
Perspectives on what it means to be a Purpose-led organization can differ, yet come from a similar intent to have businesses operate in a way that moves them beyond focusing solely on shareholder value.
Here we share three takes on what Purpose can mean:
#1. Create your Purpose Flywheel. Our own view, posted below, speaks to how Purpose can be at the center of creating a flywheel, generating strategic momentum that leads to success and shared value.
#2. Know the answer to the question, “What are you fighting for?” I don’t know if I fully agree with all the points in this article, but I can appreciate the intent in driving for clarity. I also think the prompt is a good one to identify the focus of a company’s purpose, as well as like the idea that purpose doesn’t have to just apply to product, culture, or CSR practices.
#3. And, finally, from a woman who has done the hard work at Unilever. I appreciate this perspective from Myriam Sidibe, one focused on creating “Shared Value.” This was a concept introduced by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer almost 10 years ago. From the article, “Shared value is not social responsibility, philanthropy, or even sustainability, but a new way to achieve economic success.” Ms. Sidibe worked at Unilever for over a decade as social mission manager, creating brand programs focused on addressing global health issues. The article is a good read on what it realistically takes to be guided by purpose and have social impact. The article also shares Unilever’s concept of “Brand Say, Brand Do,” a guiding principle to live purpose not just through communications, but also through actions. (And if you prefer a podcast, listen to an interview with Ms. Sidibe on HBR IdeaCast.)
I’d be curious of your thoughts… what is a purpose-driven organization in your mind?
Wishing you well during this time.
Leadership Corner
Brand for Good: Create Your Purpose Flywheel
Becoming a “Brand for Good” is rooted in the idea of finding Purpose, being guided by and acting on it. We believe Purpose has two components: one being focused on your customer, Being Great, and the other focused on broader stakeholder groups, Being Good. A company and brand can find Purpose in seeking to serve and create value for its customers and multiple stakeholders....
A way to think about the power of Purpose is to consider Jim Collins’ flywheel concept, something that he references as the “power of strategic compounding.” A focus on Purpose can have this compounding effect that starts to fuel itself and fuel success.
How does a focus on Purpose create a flywheel? The central components are Being Great and Being Good.
Read more here to learn how it works >
Hidden Potential - The Uptapped Goldrush
In light of recent events around racism and equality, I wanted to share this post I wrote back in 2018 called, “Hidden Potential: The Untapped Gold Rush.” It speaks to the importance of inclusivity in economic opportunity and also in innovation and entrepreneurship. I don’t think many of us realize how much bias is built into those spaces today. And we all lose because of it. There is a gold rush, one that goes beyond monetary results, just waiting to be tapped by unlocking the potential and ideas of an inclusive community in creating, building, and shaping our world. Imagine how much richer our world could be. Read more >
The Monthly Progress Practice – June
At the beginning of the year, we shared our Monthly Progress Practice. Progress happens through small actions, so we offer a monthly practice of small actions or micro-habits to inspire positive change this year.
Our guidance for June: “Are you listening? One of the most generous gifts you can give to others is listening. In doing so, you can unlock great ideas and personal growth.”
And the world is calling us to listen:Are you tuning in to new voices to learn and grow?Are you pausing long enough to really hear and listen to your family and friends during these trying times?Are you providing space to listen to your team members or employees to understand how they are managing through and processing current events? Are you open to listening so you can unearth new ideas to approach opportunities in fresh ways?
Insights to Inspire to Action
Fight Racism and Unconscious Bias. Seek inclusion.
There are many good summaries of resources on these topics, and I know I won’t do it justice here (I know this is not a comprehensive list). I’m simply sharing a few resources that I myself have found helpful, and I hope you will find them helpful, too.
Listen & Read: 1619 from The New York Times
Learn: an Anti-Racist Resource list
Watch: President Obama's Town Hall Remarks
Watch: American Son on Netflix
Watch: 13th on Netflix
Take: An implicit bias test
Act: How to be an ally
“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” — Maya Angelou
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The Agency Oneto is a disciplined yet agile business and brand strategy agency whose mission is to partner with leaders to make a positive impact on their business and brands and for their consumers and teams, unlocking potential.
We help you build and grow your brand or help you make a positive change to your business. We offer services in Business Strategy, Brand Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, Brand & Product Positioning, Brand Architecture, Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Innovation Strategy & Process, Consumer Insights, and Trend Analysis.
We also lead workshops and facilitate strategy and business planning sessions, provide advisory services, and offer Executive Coaching.